Learning FreeCAD
Learning FreeCAD had a bit of a rough start, it's pretty complex and finding the right starting point given my level of knowledge was tricky.
Going through the Getting started page on the wiki was a bit overwhelming
I finally went through the tutorial on the FreeCAD wiki: Creating a simple part with PartDesign
There were several points in the tutorial where the instructions were a bit unclear - possibly because it is for version 0.17 while the current version is 0.18. I think that one of the biggest challenges could be fixed by using the "Polyline" tool when it says to use the "Line" tool for the initial line drawings. Using the Line tool did not create same-point constraints as was expected by the tutorial.
I just watched a few YouTube videos that were perfect for expanding on the knowledge gained from that tutorial...
tutorial1 FreeCAD - create a pully