Octopus Toy


This was a challenging print!

I tried printing in PET-G, but continued to have serious bed adhesion problems. (I'd start the print and one or two leg's worth of the tentacles would be OK, but before long it would lift one of the pads for a tentacle segment and drag it along as it tried to print... munging all the rest.)

I decided to switch back to PLA and continued to have bed adhesion problems. I think the problem was that there was still some PET-G leaching into the PLA for a while.

Trying to fix the problem I went through the bed leveling procedure and really noticed how "not flat" my bed is - and some of the low spots seem to correlate with the spots where I'd been having adhesion issues - so I used a 3.5mm thick 9"x11" piece of glass that I've been moving from house to house for several decades (sometime it pays off to be a hoarder :-) under the magentic bed (all held on with binder clips) and that made a huge difference in getting a uniform level for the bed.

I also printed a flash-drive/memory holder to try and clear the PET-G out (I think I had to abandon the first try at that, but then it printed.)

After the drive holder finished printing I fired up the octopus one more time and lo-and-behold the first layer printed flawlessly! Left it running overnight and it was all done and looking great in the morning!

The printed in place, fully interlocking tentacle segments are so cool!

My Ender magnetic bed is starting to accumulate quite a few little permanent scars... I'm not sure at what point that's going to mandate replacing it.